A Cup of Coffee and New Shoes On
In today’s Tirana, Agim and Gëzim, two inseparable deaf-mute identical twin brothers in their forties, live under the same roof. Ana, Gëzim’s girlfriend, a young high-spirited woman in her thirties, visits them quite often. One evening, Agim is driving back home with Gëzim, when his sight gets blurred and a fatal accident nearly occurs. At the ophthalmologist, a few days later, the two brothers discover that due to a genetic and rare disease, they will separately, but progressively and irreversibly go blind. Slowly immersing into an unbearable silenced darkness, not being able to see the world and each other anymore, only Ana by their side, the two brothers have to make a strong decision around a cup of coffee with new shoes on.
Genre: Drama
Actor: Edgar Morais , Rafael Morais , Drita Kabashi
Director: Gentian Koi
Writer: Gentian Koi
Country: Greece , Albania , Portugal , Kosovo
Release: 2022-09-01
Duration: 99 Min
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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